Work Pass Conditions & Requirements for Services Sector

Foreign workers are not allowed to work at food stalls or hawker stalls. These stalls are small establishments and can be operated by the licensees alone or with their family assistance. Only operators of food shop establishments may employ foreign workers.

Food stalls refer to stalls where there is retail sale of food and/or beverage, in a coffeeshop, eating house, food court or canteen and need to be licensed under the Environmental Public Health Act.

Hawker stalls refer to stalls that are rented from the Government, i.e. Housing Development Board, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources or JTC corporation.

Foodshop, foodstall and hawker stall licences are issued by the National Environment Agency (NEA).

When applying for work passes, food shop establishments who wish to employ foreign workers must produce NEA licences issued in the name of the body corporate, sole proprietor or partner. We do not accept NEA licences issued in the name of an individual for Pte Ltd and Limited Liability Partnership (e.g. a Director).

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